Tailored Support
Our volunteers are trained in open listening and have improved social skills to connect with people they support. Professional training has been developed by Buddhist Counselling and volunteers have access to ongoing coaching, mentoring and mental health support.
Social Buddy volunteers are bilingual in Cantonese, Croatian, Hokkien, Japanese, Mandarin, Serbian, Vietnamese, and other languages.
We require all of our volunteers to go through screening processes such as Working With Children Checks and in some cases National Security Checks in order to assess their suitability in working with vulnerable people in the community.
The benefits of Social Buddy:
Reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation
Improves self-esteem
lowers rates of anxiety and depression
Promotes wellbeing
Keeps the mind active
Helps to feel safe and connected
Increases satisfaction
* Social Buddy is not a counselling service and does not offer advice, coaching or other professional or mental health services.